$0.00 EPS Expected for North European Oil Royalty Trust (NRT); Luminus Management Has Decreased Southern Co (SO) Position By $5.34 Million

Luminus Management Llc decreased Southern Co (SO) stake by 9.46% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Luminus Management Llc sold 109,079 shares as Southern Co (SO)’s stock declined 3.02%. The Luminus Management Llc holds 1.04 million shares with $51.34M value, down from 1.15 million last quarter. Southern Co now has $49.22 billion valuation. The stock rose 0.57% or $0.28 reaching $49.57. About 915,514 shares traded. Southern Co (NYSE:SO) has risen 0.06% since October 4, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 11.53% the S&P500.

Analysts expect North European Oil Royalty Trust (NYSE:NRT) to report $0.00 EPS on May, 26. About 5,631 shares traded. North European Oil Royalty Trust (NYSE:NRT) has risen 1.59% since October 4, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 10.00% the S&P500.

North European Oil Royalty Trust is a grantor trust. The company has market cap of $73.10 million. The Trust, on behalf of the owners, holds overriding royalty rights covering gas and oil production in certain concessions or leases in the Federal Republic of Germany. It has a 11.53 P/E ratio. The rights are held under contracts with local German exploration and development subsidiaries of ExxonMobil Corp. and the Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Companies (Royal Dutch/Shell Group).

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.9 in 2016 Q4. Its down 1.10, from 2 in 2016Q3. It turned negative, as 3 investors sold North European Oil Royalty Trust shares while 7 reduced holdings. 2 funds opened positions while 7 raised stakes. 900,837 shares or 4.61% more from 861,145 shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Lucas Capital holds 0.17% in North European Oil Royalty Trust (NYSE:NRT) or 34,658 shares. Carroll Finance Inc has 0% invested in North European Oil Royalty Trust (NYSE:NRT) for 65 shares. 945 were accumulated by Pnc Fin. Moreover, Morgan Stanley has 0% invested in North European Oil Royalty Trust (NYSE:NRT). National Bank & Trust Of Montreal Can reported 6,300 shares stake. Royal Fincl Bank Of Canada holds 11,652 shares or 0% of its portfolio. 6,345 were reported by Creative Planning. California Public Employees Retirement Systems owns 29,100 shares. Fruth Invest Mgmt holds 32,200 shares. Renaissance Techs Ltd Liability stated it has 0% of its portfolio in North European Oil Royalty Trust (NYSE:NRT). Deutsche Bancorp Ag reported 62,300 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Community National Bank & Trust Na has invested 0% of its portfolio in North European Oil Royalty Trust (NYSE:NRT). Barclays Public Ltd Co has 16 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Natl Bank Of America De holds 24,134 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Sunbelt Incorporated invested in 10,000 shares.

Analysts await Southern Co (NYSE:SO) to report earnings on July, 26. They expect $0.70 earnings per share, down 5.41% or $0.04 from last year’s $0.74 per share. SO’s profit will be $695.06 million for 17.70 P/E if the $0.70 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.66 actual earnings per share reported by Southern Co for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 6.06% EPS growth.

Luminus Management Llc increased Ishares Tr (IWM) stake by 9,900 shares to 129,900 valued at $17.52M in 2016Q4. It also upped Union Pac Corp (NYSE:UNP) stake by 754,060 shares and now owns 1.32 million shares. Hunt J B Trans Svcs Inc (NASDAQ:JBHT) was raised too.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.12 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.05, from 1.17 in 2016Q3. It worsened, as 64 investors sold SO shares while 341 reduced holdings. 81 funds opened positions while 371 raised stakes. 505.09 million shares or 5.13% more from 480.44 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Holderness Invests Commerce reported 11,388 shares or 0.5% of all its holdings. Finance Architects invested in 0.09% or 7,675 shares. Mariner Wealth Advsr Ltd Com holds 0.03% or 14,879 shares in its portfolio. Family Firm has 4,401 shares. Trustco Comml Bank Corporation N Y invested in 24,229 shares. Landscape Cap Mgmt Lc, New Jersey-based fund reported 11,629 shares. Numeric Investors Ltd Com holds 34,500 shares. Dubuque Bancorp And holds 0.02% or 2,004 shares in its portfolio. Tokio Marine Asset Management has 77,987 shares for 0.44% of their portfolio. Roosevelt Invest Group Inc Inc has invested 0.03% in Southern Co (NYSE:SO). Ronald Blue Limited Com holds 16,343 shares or 0.03% of its portfolio. Zwj Counsel Incorporated holds 0.08% of its portfolio in Southern Co (NYSE:SO) for 17,112 shares. Sequent Asset Limited Company has invested 0.6% in Southern Co (NYSE:SO). Whittier Trust invested in 0.01% or 2,469 shares. Synovus Corporation invested in 1.01% or 900,907 shares.

Among 13 analysts covering The Southern Company (NYSE:SO), 2 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 9 Hold. Therefore 15% are positive. The Southern Company had 27 analyst reports since July 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was maintained by BMO Capital Markets with “Hold” on Friday, March 31. The stock of Southern Co (NYSE:SO) earned “Buy” rating by Jefferies on Friday, March 3. On Thursday, July 14 the stock rating was upgraded by Barclays Capital to “Overweight”. On Thursday, July 14 the stock rating was maintained by Goldman Sachs with “Neutral”. The company was maintained on Monday, September 26 by SunTrust. The company was downgraded on Friday, March 3 by Argus Research. SunTrust maintained Southern Co (NYSE:SO) rating on Monday, October 19. SunTrust has “Neutral” rating and $47 target. The stock of Southern Co (NYSE:SO) earned “Sector Perform” rating by Howard Weil on Friday, May 13. The rating was maintained by Jefferies on Thursday, April 13 with “Buy”. The firm has “Hold” rating given on Sunday, August 16 by Zacks.

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