Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. (AMG) Reaches $155.84 After 9.00% Gap Down; Continental Advisors Has Raised Waddell & Reed Finl (WDR) Stake By $3.21 Million

The stock of Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. (NYSE:AMG) gapped down by $1.49 today and has $141.81 target or 9.00% below today’s $155.84 share price. The 7 months technical chart setup indicates high risk for the $8.82B company. The gap down was reported on May, 1 by If the $141.81 price target is reached, the company will be worth $793.80 million less. The stock decreased 5.89% or $9.75 during the last trading session, reaching $155.84. About 1.18 million shares traded or 256.77% up from the average. Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. (NYSE:AMG) has risen 12.42% since September 22, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 2.92% the S&P500.

Continental Advisors Llc increased Waddell & Reed Finl Inc (WDR) stake by 97.13% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Continental Advisors Llc acquired 169,002 shares as Waddell & Reed Finl Inc (WDR)’s stock rose 6.26%. The Continental Advisors Llc holds 343,002 shares with $6.69 million value, up from 174,000 last quarter. Waddell & Reed Finl Inc now has $1.51 billion valuation. The stock rose 0.10% or $0.02 reaching $17.8 per share. About 2.41M shares traded or 22.96% up from the average. Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. (NYSE:WDR) has risen 0.28% since September 22, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 9.23% the S&P500.

Continental Advisors Llc decreased Western Un Co (NYSE:WU) stake by 30,000 shares to 263,438 valued at $5.72 million in 2016Q4. It also reduced Zoetis Inc (NYSE:ZTS) stake by 10,000 shares and now owns 26,700 shares. Conmed Corp (NASDAQ:CNMD) was reduced too.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.08 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.18, from 1.26 in 2016Q3. It is negative, as 32 investors sold WDR shares while 70 reduced holdings. 44 funds opened positions while 66 raised stakes. 72.13 million shares or 5.97% more from 68.07 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. State Treasurer State Of Michigan has 33,300 shares for 0.01% of their portfolio. Price T Rowe Inc Md reported 2.62 million shares. Weaver C Barksdale Assocs reported 0.01% in Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. (NYSE:WDR). Balyasny Asset Ltd Llc owns 30,279 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Svcs invested in 0.04% or 4,080 shares. Jensen Management accumulated 21,410 shares or 0.01% of the stock. 78,508 were reported by Manufacturers Life The. Moreover, Davidson Inv has 0.02% invested in Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. (NYSE:WDR) for 5,664 shares. Moreover, Vanguard Incorporated has 0.01% invested in Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. (NYSE:WDR) for 6.44 million shares. Moreover, South Dakota Council has 0.22% invested in Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. (NYSE:WDR) for 529,350 shares. Jpmorgan Chase And Company reported 0% of its portfolio in Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. (NYSE:WDR). Creative Planning invested in 4,018 shares or 0% of the stock. State Common Retirement Fund reported 186,497 shares. Capital holds 0% of its portfolio in Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. (NYSE:WDR) for 730,000 shares. Dreman Value Mngmt L L C holds 0.17% in Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. (NYSE:WDR) or 15,720 shares.

Among 9 analysts covering Waddell & Reed Financial Inc. (NYSE:WDR), 1 have Buy rating, 4 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 11% are positive. Waddell & Reed Financial Inc. had 30 analyst reports since August 27, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The company was maintained on Thursday, September 3 by Wood. The stock of Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. (NYSE:WDR) has “Hold” rating given on Thursday, April 13 by Jefferies. The firm has “Neutral” rating by Citigroup given on Wednesday, July 27. RBC Capital Markets maintained the shares of WDR in report on Wednesday, February 3 with “Outperform” rating. The company was maintained on Wednesday, October 28 by RBC Capital Markets. The firm has “Neutral” rating by Credit Suisse given on Wednesday, September 16. Citigroup upgraded Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. (NYSE:WDR) rating on Wednesday, July 13. Citigroup has “Neutral” rating and $16 target. The stock of Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. (NYSE:WDR) has “Underweight” rating given on Monday, September 21 by Morgan Stanley. The stock has “Hold” rating by Jefferies on Monday, July 11. The stock of Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. (NYSE:WDR) earned “Sell” rating by Citigroup on Tuesday, December 15.

Among 8 analysts covering Affiliated Managers Group (NYSE:AMG), 7 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 1 Hold. Therefore 88% are positive. Affiliated Managers Group had 32 analyst reports since August 9, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was maintained by Goldman Sachs on Monday, March 21 with “Buy”. On Monday, May 9 the stock rating was upgraded by ABN Amro to “Buy”. Wood maintained Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. (NYSE:AMG) on Tuesday, August 2 with “Outperform” rating. Jefferies maintained Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. (NYSE:AMG) rating on Monday, July 11. Jefferies has “Buy” rating and $195 target. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Monday, April 25 by Citigroup. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Tuesday, January 26 by Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank maintained the shares of AMG in report on Friday, January 8 with “Buy” rating. As per Wednesday, February 3, the company rating was maintained by Keefe Bruyette & Woods. The firm has “Buy” rating by Deutsche Bank given on Wednesday, October 5. The rating was maintained by Deutsche Bank with “Buy” on Monday, July 18.

Since December 12, 2016, it had 0 buys, and 3 insider sales for $21.55 million activity. On Monday, December 12 Churchill Dwight D. sold $500,719 worth of Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. (NYSE:AMG) or 3,125 shares. 62,000 shares valued at $9.60 million were sold by HEALEY SEAN M on Wednesday, December 14. 70,000 shares were sold by Horgen Jay C., worth $11.45M on Thursday, February 9.

Analysts await Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. (NYSE:AMG) to report earnings on May, 2. They expect $3.17 EPS, up 7.82% or $0.23 from last year’s $2.94 per share. AMG’s profit will be $179.41M for 12.29 P/E if the $3.17 EPS becomes a reality. After $3.80 actual EPS reported by Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -16.58% negative EPS growth.

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