$0.76 EPS Expected for Avista (AVA); Ardelyx (ARDX) Covered By 5 Bulls

Analysts expect Avista Corp (NYSE:AVA) to report $0.76 EPS on May, 3.They anticipate $0.13 EPS change or 14.61% from last quarter’s $0.89 EPS. AVA’s profit would be $49.03M giving it 13.15 P/E if the $0.76 EPS is correct. After having $0.62 EPS previously, Avista Corp’s analysts see 22.58% EPS growth. The stock decreased 0.20% or $0.08 on April 12, reaching $39.99. About shares traded. Avista Corp (NYSE:AVA) has declined 4.38% since September 7, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 11.64% the S&P500.

Among 5 analysts covering Ardelyx Inc (NASDAQ:ARDX), 5 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Ardelyx Inc had 7 analyst reports since August 18, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Ladenburg Thalmann initiated the stock with “Buy” rating in Thursday, March 31 report. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Tuesday, September 22 by BTIG Research. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Thursday, September 3 by Wedbush. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Friday, December 18 by BTIG Research. JMP Securities maintained the stock with “Market Outperform” rating in Wednesday, March 9 report. As per Wednesday, August 10, the company rating was maintained by Citigroup. See Ardelyx Inc (NASDAQ:ARDX) latest ratings:

Ardelyx, Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company. The company has market cap of $558.47 million. The Company’s therapeutics focuses on addressing cardiorenal and gastrointestinal diseases. It currently has negative earnings. It operates through the research, development and commercialization of biopharmaceutical products segment.

It closed at $11.8 lastly. It is down 8.56% since September 7, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 1.29% the S&P500.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.23 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.23, from 1.46 in 2016Q3. It worsened, as 14 investors sold Avista Corp shares while 79 reduced holdings. 35 funds opened positions while 79 raised stakes. 43.58 million shares or 1.93% more from 42.76 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. 7,998 were reported by Cambridge Invest Rech Advsrs. Da Davidson & owns 0.01% invested in Avista Corp (NYSE:AVA) for 9,358 shares. Sg Americas Securities Limited reported 6,071 shares stake. Strs Ohio, a Ohio-based fund reported 7,900 shares. Stevens Management L P invested in 0.01% or 7,706 shares. Blackrock Group Limited stated it has 0% in Avista Corp (NYSE:AVA). Prentiss Smith And Co accumulated 3,312 shares. Boothbay Fund Mgmt Lc, a New York-based fund reported 6,390 shares. Schwab Charles Mngmt stated it has 360,215 shares or 0.02% of all its holdings. Commonwealth Equity Service has invested 0% in Avista Corp (NYSE:AVA). Guggenheim Capital Lc stated it has 0.04% in Avista Corp (NYSE:AVA). Landscape Cap Mgmt Ltd Company reported 13,441 shares. Opus Investment Management owns 139,200 shares for 0.98% of their portfolio. Ajo L P owns 109,598 shares. Group Inc Inc holds 0.01% of its portfolio in Avista Corp (NYSE:AVA) for 46,557 shares.

Since March 13, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 9 sales for $841,276 activity. 1,250 shares were sold by Thackston Jason R, worth $48,713 on Monday, March 13. FELTES KAREN S also sold $217,394 worth of Avista Corp (NYSE:AVA) shares. DURKIN MARIAN M also sold $77,738 worth of Avista Corp (NYSE:AVA) shares. $116,440 worth of stock was sold by MEYER DAVID J on Tuesday, March 14. Christie Kevin J also sold $21,379 worth of Avista Corp (NYSE:AVA) shares. 5,474 shares were sold by NORWOOD KELLY O, worth $212,370 on Tuesday, March 14. $19,835 worth of Avista Corp (NYSE:AVA) shares were sold by KENSOK JAMES M.

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