$0.26 EPS Expected for Vulcan Materials Company (VMC); Oconee Federal Financial Has 0.33 Sentiment

Analysts expect Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE:VMC) to report $0.26 EPS on May, 2.They anticipate $0.00 EPS change or 0.00% from last quarter’s $0.26 EPS. VMC’s profit would be $34.48 million giving it 113.40 P/E if the $0.26 EPS is correct. After having $0.69 EPS previously, Vulcan Materials Company’s analysts see -62.32% EPS growth. The stock decreased 2.68% or $3.25 during the last trading session, reaching $117.94. About shares traded. Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE:VMC) has risen 4.42% since September 7, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 2.84% the S&P500.

Oconee Federal Financial Corp. is a stock holding firm for Oconee Federal Savings and Loan Association. The company has market cap of $140.20 million. Oconee Federal Savings and Loan Association is a federally chartered savings and loan association. It has a 26.33 P/E ratio. The Company’s principal business consists of attracting retail deposits from the public in its market area and investing those deposits, together with funds generated from operations, in one- to four-family residential mortgage loans and, to a lesser extent, nonresidential mortgage, construction and land, agricultural and other loans.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.05 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.06, from 1.11 in 2016Q3. It is negative, as 49 investors sold Vulcan Materials Company shares while 177 reduced holdings. 81 funds opened positions while 156 raised stakes. 112.74 million shares or 1.22% less from 114.14 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Catawba Mgmt Va holds 0.2% in Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE:VMC) or 6,915 shares. Price T Rowe Associates Md holds 11.01M shares or 0.27% of its portfolio. Regions Fincl Corporation holds 0.85% or 553,502 shares in its portfolio. Marshall Wace Llp reported 0.65% in Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE:VMC). Stock Yards Commercial Bank & has 0.03% invested in Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE:VMC) for 1,925 shares. State Of Tennessee Treasury Department reported 216,323 shares. Omers Administration holds 8,300 shares. Massmutual Tru Co Fsb Adv has invested 0% in Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE:VMC). American Interest reported 0.03% in Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE:VMC). Texas Permanent School Fund reported 0.07% of its portfolio in Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE:VMC). Mitsubishi Ufj Trust stated it has 263,243 shares or 0.07% of all its holdings. Caisse De Depot Et Placement Du Quebec holds 0% in Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE:VMC) or 11,913 shares. The Florida-based Provise Management Gp Ltd Limited Liability Company has invested 0.07% in Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE:VMC). Tiaa Cref Inv Mngmt Limited Liability Corp holds 0.02% or 241,993 shares in its portfolio. Royal Bancshares Of Canada has invested 0.02% of its portfolio in Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE:VMC).

Among 11 analysts covering Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE:VMC), 8 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 3 Hold. Therefore 73% are positive. Vulcan Materials Company had 18 analyst reports since August 6, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The company was initiated on Wednesday, March 29 by Citigroup. The stock of Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE:VMC) has “Buy” rating given on Wednesday, June 8 by Goldman Sachs. The stock of Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE:VMC) has “Buy” rating given on Friday, August 14 by Argus Research. The firm has “Outperform” rating by RBC Capital Markets given on Wednesday, August 5. The firm has “Neutral” rating given on Wednesday, November 16 by Bank of America. On Monday, May 16 the stock rating was maintained by Stifel Nicolaus with “Buy”. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Wednesday, October 26 by SunTrust. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Wednesday, May 4 by BB&T Capital. Alembic initiated the stock with “Neutral” rating in Thursday, June 9 report. The rating was upgraded by DA Davidson to “Neutral” on Monday, August 17.

Vulcan Materials Company is a supplier of construction aggregates and a producer of asphalt mix and ready-mixed concrete. The company has market cap of $15.64 billion. The Firm operates through four divisions: Aggregates, Asphalt Mix, Concrete and Calcium. It has a 37.96 P/E ratio. The Aggregates segment produces and sells aggregates (crushed stone, sand and gravel, sand, and other aggregates) and related services and products (transportation and other).

Analysts await Oconee Federal Financial (NASDAQ:OFED) to report earnings on May, 12.

Since January 1, 0001, it had 1 insider buy, and 1 sale for $6,303 activity.

Minerva Advisors Llc holds 0.28% of its portfolio in Oconee Federal Financial for 22,902 shares. Arbiter Partners Capital Management Llc owns 43,399 shares or 0.17% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Bank Of America Corp De has 0% invested in the company for 1 shares. The California-based Blackrock Fund Advisors has invested 0% in the stock. Blackrock Investment Management Llc, a New Jersey-based fund reported 261 shares.

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