$0.08 EPS Expected for Cubic (CUB), 2 Analysts Bullish ValiRx Plc (LON:VAL)

Among 2 analysts covering ValiRx PLC (LON:VAL), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. ValiRx PLC had 31 analyst reports since September 16, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm earned “Corporate” rating on Thursday, November 5 by Northland Capital. Beaufort Securities maintained the stock with “Speculative Buy” rating in Thursday, August 11 report. The rating was maintained by Beaufort Securities on Friday, December 2 with “Speculative Buy”. The stock of ValiRx Plc (LON:VAL) earned “Speculative Buy” rating by Beaufort Securities on Friday, December 9. The rating was maintained by Northland Capital with “Corporate” on Thursday, August 11. The company was maintained on Wednesday, November 30 by Beaufort Securities. On Tuesday, June 7 the stock rating was maintained by Northland Capital with “Corporate”. The stock of ValiRx Plc (LON:VAL) has “Speculative Buy” rating given on Friday, July 8 by Beaufort Securities. The rating was maintained by Northland Capital with “Corporate” on Thursday, July 14. The firm has “Speculative Buy” rating given on Thursday, January 12 by Beaufort Securities. See ValiRx Plc (LON:VAL) latest ratings:

01/03/2017 Broker: Beaufort Securities Rating: Speculative Buy Maintain
12/01/2017 Broker: Beaufort Securities Rating: Speculative Buy Maintain
09/12/2016 Broker: Beaufort Securities Rating: Speculative Buy Maintain
08/12/2016 Broker: Northland Capital Rating: Corporate Maintain
02/12/2016 Broker: Beaufort Securities Rating: Speculative Buy Maintain
01/12/2016 Broker: Northland Capital Rating: Corporate Maintain
30/11/2016 Broker: Beaufort Securities Rating: Speculative Buy Maintain
29/11/2016 Broker: Northland Capital Rating: Corporate Maintain
03/11/2016 Broker: Northland Capital Rating: Corporate Maintain
26/10/2016 Broker: Beaufort Securities Rating: Speculative Buy Maintain

Analysts expect Cubic Corporation (NYSE:CUB) to report $0.08 EPS on May, 1.They anticipate $0.30 EPS change or 78.95% from last quarter’s $0.38 EPS. CUB’s profit would be $2.18M giving it 156.88 P/E if the $0.08 EPS is correct. After having $-0.11 EPS previously, Cubic Corporation’s analysts see -172.73% EPS growth. It closed at $50.2 lastly. It is down 8.40% since September 13, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 1.53% the S&P500.

About 150,275 shares traded. ValiRx Plc (LON:VAL) has declined 66.54% since September 20, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 76.47% the S&P500.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.11 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.03, from 1.08 in 2016Q3. It is positive, as 29 investors sold ValiRx Plc shares while 111 reduced holdings. 52 funds opened positions while 104 raised stakes. 54.59 million shares or 0.04% less from 54.61 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Tiaa Cref Investment Management Llc holds 0.01% or 138,247 shares. Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund, a Oregon-based fund reported 49,276 shares. Moreover, Barclays Pcl has 0% invested in ValiRx Plc (LON:VAL) for 11,024 shares. Capstone Inv Advsr Llc holds 0.06% or 19,614 shares. Kellner Ltd Liability Com has 1.25% invested in ValiRx Plc (LON:VAL) for 21,300 shares. Moreover, Sumitomo Mitsui Tru has 0.04% invested in ValiRx Plc (LON:VAL). Cannell Limited Com accumulated 4,748 shares. Stifel Fincl reported 0.04% in ValiRx Plc (LON:VAL). Daiwa Secs Grp Incorporated holds 0% or 1,900 shares in its portfolio. Jasper Ridge Prns L P holds 734,573 shares or 5.28% of its portfolio. Ledyard Bank owns 0% invested in ValiRx Plc (LON:VAL) for 70 shares. Massmutual Trust Com Fsb Adv has 50 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Westchester Management Limited Liability holds 859,389 shares. 47,525 were reported by Prudential Financial. Ny State Teachers Retirement has invested 0.03% in ValiRx Plc (LON:VAL).

ValiRx plc is a biopharmaceutical company. The company has market cap of 2.89 million GBP. The principal activity of the Company is the development of oncology therapeutics and companion diagnostics. It currently has negative earnings. It focuses on the treatment of cancer and associated biomarkers, specializing in epigenomic and genetic analysis.

Cubic Corporation designs, integrates and operates systems, services and products that provide situational awareness for its clients in the transportation and defense industries. The company has market cap of $1.37 billion. The Firm operates in three business divisions across the global transportation and defense markets, which include Cubic Transportation Systems (CTS), Cubic Global Defense (CGD) and Cubic Global Defense Services (CGD Services). It has a 316.68 P/E ratio. The Company’s CTS segment is a systems integrator of payment and information technology and services for travel solutions.

Since November 28, 2016, it had 3 buys, and 0 selling transactions for $10,265 activity. Hamby Janice M. had bought 100 shares worth $4,725 on Monday, November 28. On Monday, November 28 FELDMANN BRADLEY H bought $510 worth of Cubic Corporation (NYSE:CUB) or 11 shares.

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