$0.03 EPS Expected for Corcept Therapeutics (CORT); Gigamedia LTD (GIGA) Sentiment Is 0.5

Analysts expect Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated (NASDAQ:CORT) to report $0.03 EPS on May, 2.They anticipate $0.02 EPS change or 200.00% from last quarter’s $0.01 EPS. CORT’s profit would be $3.32 million giving it 88.08 P/E if the $0.03 EPS is correct. After having $0.04 EPS previously, Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated’s analysts see -25.00% EPS growth. About 298,914 shares traded. Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated (NASDAQ:CORT) has risen 91.61% since September 6, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 83.95% the S&P500.

Giga-tronics Incorporated includes the activities of the Giga-tronics Division and Microsource Inc. (Microsource). The company has market cap of $7.16 million. The Firm operates through two divisions: Giga-tronics Division and Microsource. It currently has negative earnings. Giga-tronics segment designs, makes and markets the Advanced Signal Generator (ASG) for the electronic warfare market and switching systems that are used in automatic testing systems primarily in aerospace, defense and telecommunications.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.86 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.37, from 2.23 in 2016Q3. It turned negative, as 14 investors sold Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated shares while 29 reduced holdings. 36 funds opened positions while 44 raised stakes. 52.19 million shares or 8.71% more from 48.00 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Numeric Investors Ltd owns 223,192 shares or 0.02% of their US portfolio. Capstone Invest Advsr Limited Liability Corp owns 29,000 shares. Cubist Systematic Strategies Limited Liability Corporation owns 70,883 shares. Millennium Management Ltd Liability Corporation owns 148,462 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. Sg Americas Secs Lc reported 0% of its portfolio in Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated (NASDAQ:CORT). Northern Tru reported 0% stake. Ubs Asset Mgmt Americas reported 16,588 shares or 0% of all its holdings. 153,938 were reported by California State Teachers Retirement Systems. Washington-based Parametric Portfolio Assoc Ltd Limited Liability Company has invested 0% in Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated (NASDAQ:CORT). Cambridge Co holds 0.02% in Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated (NASDAQ:CORT) or 40,000 shares. Gotham Asset Mngmt Ltd Liability Corp has 0% invested in Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated (NASDAQ:CORT). Metropolitan Life Insurance invested in 53,311 shares. Swiss Bank & Trust stated it has 128,200 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Neuberger Berman Grp Limited Liability owns 0% invested in Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated (NASDAQ:CORT) for 99,392 shares. Campbell And Co Adviser Limited Liability Company owns 0.36% invested in Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated (NASDAQ:CORT) for 16,111 shares.

Since November 7, 2016, it had 0 insider purchases, and 14 sales for $62.82 million activity. 500,000 shares valued at $4.15 million were sold by BELANOFF JOSEPH K on Monday, November 7. ENRIGHT PATRICK G sold 174,847 shares worth $1.67 million. $1.67M worth of stock was sold by Longitude Venture Partners L.P. on Tuesday, November 15. The insider WILSON JAMES N sold 158,812 shares worth $1.35 million. The insider MAHONEY DAVID L sold 30,000 shares worth $280,500.

Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated is a pharmaceutical firm engaged in the discovery, development and commercialization of drugs for the treatment of severe metabolic, psychiatric and oncologic disorders. The company has market cap of $1.17 billion. The Firm is developing mifepristone, a compound that modulates the effects of cortisol by acting as a competitive antagonist at the glucocorticoid receptor . It has a 152.94 P/E ratio. As of December 31, 2016, it had discovered three structurally distinct series of selective cortisol modulators, all of which share mifepristone’s affinity for GR but, unlike mifepristone, do not bind to the progesterone receptor.

About 15,665 shares traded. Giga-tronics, Incorporated (NASDAQ:GIGA) has declined 26.21% since September 6, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 33.87% the S&P500.

Mirador Capital Partners Lp holds 0.02% of its portfolio in Giga-tronics, Incorporated for 26,477 shares. Bank Of America Corp De owns 1,678 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Blackrock Fund Advisors has 0% invested in the company for 905 shares. The California-based California Public Employees Retirement System has invested 0% in the stock. Geode Capital Management Llc, a Massachusetts-based fund reported 19,463 shares.

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